Homepage Design Kit

All rights reserved for included materials such as images, music, flash movies and other contents. Conmercial usage of these materials without permission are strictly prohibited.
Upon opening any non-profitable sites featuring Rez, you will be considered to have agreed with the usage permits on this page. Please use only the materials disaplayed on this page.
Please show the following copyright notice on the same page when using materials downloaded from this page.


title logos (15152bytes)
"Rez", "SONICTEAM" and "SEGA" logos. GIF format.

backgrounds (104571bytes)
6 background GIFs of the official site. GIF format.

screen shots
Screenshots included in "VISUALS". JPEG format.

Rez original font used in the game. Only for Windows.

6 player characters(24,200bytes)
The images of the six forms of the player character. GIF format.

6 link banners. GIF format.
